About Chris

Chris Flanary (they/them) is running to represent District 3 on the City Council to ensure that the everyday people who make Portland happen are centered in city decisions. They moved to Portland in 2013 to work for the Portland Housing Bureau after coming to Oregon from the East Coast as an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer. In Portland they found their community, both in labor union work and in exploring Portland’s weird and wonderful culture. Chris brings a grounding in the day to day work of civil service, in academic research and evaluation science, and in the power of organized action. They want every Portlander to be able to meet not just basic needs, but to thrive in community. We rise together. 


I pledge not to take contributions from police unions or associations, not to seek their endorsement and to publicly reject their independent expenditures. I will instead prioritize the wellbeing and safety of every member of our community.

I pledge not to take contributions over $200 from oil, gas, and coal industry executives, lobbyists, or PACs and instead prioritize the health of our families, climate, and democracy over fossil fuel industry profits.

I commit that if elected I will prioritize, introduce budget amendments, and vote in favor of full funding for expanded 24/7 citywide Portland Street Response coverage in every budget cycle.